Saturday, January 24, 2009

My week

Not so crazy, just full of frustrations. This story marks the theme of my week. On Wednesday, I went to Publix to pick up a cake for a co-worker who had a birthday. Now, I never go to this Publix but I easily found my way around the store, purchased a cake (which turned out to be frozen) and was out the door minus twenty dollars. I walked out and just blanked. Where did I park the car again? My poor little old bronze Ford Taurus was not to be seen surrounded by huge, giant SUV's and five million other cars the same color. I went up and down each aisle looking like a psycho while trying to balance a cake in one hand and my purse in the other. (Why I didn't hit the panic button...because I was already in the panic mode!) After about 5 minutes of looking like I needed my straight jacket and a ride to the psych ward, I found my car. YEAH! So, then I was digging through my lovely, yet huge purse and I couldn't find them. I started hyperventallating! Did I lock them in the car? No. I finally sat the cake on the hood and it started to slowly slide down. I grabbed it as I angrily continued to search through my purse. Oops...I had put them in my pocket so I didn't have to search through my purse. Oh man! MAJOR Alzheimer moment...I feel like I'm 80! Thank you Lord the week is now over.


MelanieB said...

Do you ever walk up to another car that looks like yours and hit the button for the doors to unlock and nothing happens? I've done that. More than once. Don't feel bad. At least you didn't report your car stolen!