Monday, June 2, 2008

A few things you may now know...

My sister-in-law did this cute thing on her blog of twenty things that we didn't know about her, so I'm going to do the same. (Maybe not all twenty, but a few things :-)

1. I have vitaligo, no pigment in the skin or white splotches, on my feet, knees, hands and a few splots else where. I've had it since birth or at least since I can remember. You can see it really well when I get a little sun on me.

2. I played the French horn in a little orchestra group at a private Christian school when I was a teenager. I didn't do very well, but I love the sound of it.

3. I dressed up as a Civil War reinactor specifically a nurse and participated in a few battlefields and educational venues.

4. My first "official" job was kitchen help for my uncle's steakhouse restaurant, Rough Riders. I was only fifteen so I would walk there from home (only a few blocks away) and then I would have to call my mom to pick me up at 11:00pm or later.

5. My first real boyfriend was Jerry Odle. I was seventeen and we both worked at my dad's car wash. I actually asked him out only after I found out that he liked me, but was to intimidated to ask me out. We dated for almost two years and I truly thought he was the one. My dad found out that we were serious and he "broke us up" per se. I went off to school the next year after much heartbreak, but there is definitely no regret at all!

6. I never wanted to have kids growing up only because I was around them so much them. Being the oldest of five wasn't much fun for me, but it made me who I am and I wouldn't trade any of them for anything EVER.

7. As a kid and teenager, I could sleep 12-14 hours straight no matter what was going on. My mom use to check on me to make sure I was still breathing. :-) Not anymore.

8. Steven says I snore when I'm asleep especially when I'm really exhausted. It keeps him up though. A nice gentle rhythmic snoring will put me right to sleep thanks to the lovely sounds of the Branch family.

9. I can take a very quick shower, Army style. (Family of 7 again)

10. I would eat almost anything if it was chocolate.

11. I absolutely hate with every cell of my body doing the dishes. I would rather clean toilets with a toothbrush.

12. I love baseball especially the Atlanta Braves. Steven and I love the go and watch the Jacksonville Suns Minor League team for the Los Angelos Dodgers and the Savannah Sand Gnats Minor League team for the Mets.

13. I take five million pictures. This started when I joined Phi Mu fraternity in college. CHEESE~

14. I can sing random songs from almost any musical made. My favs are Oklahoma, Seven brides for Seven brothers, My Fair Lady, Pillow Talk, and South Pacific.

15. I speed very badly (thanks to you Dad), but especially when Steven falls asleep. :-) Somehow he's always amazed when he wakes up to his surroundings.

16. I am starting to really love buying jewelry and purses because they are easy to fit into and buy and still make you feel good. :-)

17. I've always wanted to have red hair. I love it! Straight hair would be nice too, but red is better.

18. I am horrible with electronics. I just end up handing it to Steven to fix and half way listening to his explanation of how to fix it. He's good at it!

19. I love gardening until it gets hot, but I hate weeds! My roses are doing great this year and they are loving this Georgia clay. Steven and I have planted some azaleas and a few small trees. The funniest was trying to haul all of this home in our little compact car. Good thing Lowe's is only a mile away from our house!

20. When we retire, we want to drive around the US in a RV and have a condo on Panama City Beach. Oh, why can't we retire right now....

I made it to twenty. Steven was trying to help me out some, but he's a little crazy! I just keep on typing as he keeps on talking. Life at the Durrence house is always...something. :-)


Anonymous said...

Wow, totally forgot about the French horn and didn't know about the red hair or dishes. You think you know people....

lauren said...

Who is next to write about the 20 things? Not me because I am boring. And who all is going to see it?