My nephew Jimmy-
This little fella' has wormed his way into my heart. How can you not love something so cute and adorable! He is so sweet and fun and he makes the funniest faces. I hate that I am missing all his milestones and can't be there to be involved with daily activities. :( I just get to spoil him with gifts!I miss hanging out with friends and family. These are pictures of Jimmy's birthday party. This crazy wacky family loves to play games, go out in the boat, watch movies and of course, EAT! :)
I miss my Mommy! lol It sounds so child-like, but I do. As I have gotten older, I have learned to appreciate my siblings and parents more. Growing up, my mom was teacher, discipliner, and mom which was very difficult for her and me. Having five kids alone is a tough job, but trying to raise them with values, morals, brains and art skills. (I'm still working on the cleaning skills) We love our Mom because she is the best mom on the planet. I wish we could be more involved with each others lives, but phone conversations will have to do for the moment.
My sister, Lauren and I weren't very close growing up, even though we did share a room at one time, but we have grown together in the last couple of years with the bonds of medical knowledge. We are so much alike yet so different. We love to go shopping at Dillards, drink very weak margaritas and watch old musicals and Jane Austen's together.
I miss the beautiful beaches of PC. It's hard to beat the aqua waters and white sandy beaches that I grew up with and spent thousands of hours building sand castles and floating around. It's so relaxing to hear the crashing waves with the caw-caw of the seagulls. Watching the sail boats fly by or look out on a still sea of glass. I never realized how cool it was to watch the sheets of rain come across the bay. It's home.
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14 years ago
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