Steven chillin'
The Tucker girls and Robbie Bray
Chuck, Dad and Steven
Our first "official" Durrence family picture
Melanie Bray (Steven's cousin-Robbie's mom)
Aunt Lisa and Uncle Chuck
The Tucker kids- Chuck, Mom and Robert
Mallory, Kameron and Jessica- Chuck's girls
Aunt Gail and Melanie- like mother, like daughter
So our Christmas Eve tradition is at Aunt Gail and Uncle Robert's beautiful historic home off Calhoun Square. We eat lots of great food and see everyone that we might not have seen in a while. Now, it's almost like a company party. Chuck and Robert own Tucker Business Machines where Robert's son, Joey, and son-in-law Vince work and Steven currently works as well. :-) All in the family. We are very lucky to have such generous, kind people we are related to. Most people can complain about all their in-laws and the families that they married into, but not me! I will post Christmas pictures later. I promise y'all.
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14 years ago
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