Our Christmas tree before Christmas Day
Christmas morning brunch with Mom and Dad D and Grandma
Opening gifts after breakfast
The dogs with their new toys
Crazy lady with no makeup :-)
Steven got what he wanted- a PSP
Dad and Steven playing the Wii
Christmas day evening at the Goodman's- This one is Chase Goodman
Chase and Andrew Goodman
Sarah with her new twin boy babies
Goodman and Weeks clan
Jonathan and Uncle Danny
Samantha watching Chase
Chase chilling in his new "lazy boy"
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas Eve 2008
Steven chillin'
The Tucker girls and Robbie Bray
Chuck, Dad and Steven
Our first "official" Durrence family picture
Melanie Bray (Steven's cousin-Robbie's mom)
Aunt Lisa and Uncle Chuck
The Tucker kids- Chuck, Mom and Robert
Mallory, Kameron and Jessica- Chuck's girls
Aunt Gail and Melanie- like mother, like daughter
So our Christmas Eve tradition is at Aunt Gail and Uncle Robert's beautiful historic home off Calhoun Square. We eat lots of great food and see everyone that we might not have seen in a while. Now, it's almost like a company party. Chuck and Robert own Tucker Business Machines where Robert's son, Joey, and son-in-law Vince work and Steven currently works as well. :-) All in the family. We are very lucky to have such generous, kind people we are related to. Most people can complain about all their in-laws and the families that they married into, but not me! I will post Christmas pictures later. I promise y'all.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Jimmy's 2nd Birthday- Panama City- Dec 20th, 2008
We had such a nice, yet very short, time with the family over the weekend. My cute adorable nephew is now a two year old toddler running around and getting into everything! He loves all his aunts and uncles so much especially my sister Lauren who plays with him consistently and loves to be a big kid herself. The second to last picture is of my sister Lacy and her boyfriend Stephen. It was nice to see them both and we are lucky to have such a great guy that puts up with our crazy family. :-) This was also kind of our holiday trip to see my family because we spend Christmas in Savannah and Steven is on call for New Years so we'll be here too. No complaints...just love!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Thanksgiving 2008- Lake Keowee
Gran and Lacy
A "Shootout" Soccer game- Lacy and Allan vs. Blaire and Darcy
Jimmy "attempting" to play soccer with them
My adorable little Auburn fan nephew- he can't help what his mama dresses him in
For the past two years, we have been graciously invited to my aunt's lake house in Walhalla, SC right on Lake Keowee. It's a great place where we all have our own beds with access to the lake, a pizza oven, fire pit, hot tub for 6, boat, jet skiis, mopeds, a park with soccer fields and just a great time to hang out with family. We eat lots and watch a ton of football games and movies! Fun memories~