We just got through a crazy week with Steven working so much and being on call which means tons of calls at crazy hours. Yesterday, I just had to leave the house and we love to shop! So, having no money, we decided to do some browsing shopping at our favorite places Dilliard's and Macy's to see the good sales. Steven got bombarded with calls and we had to make two "pit stops" to help with problems he had been trying to fix all day over the phone. Now, it's hurricane mode...to leave or not to leave...where do we go? where can we go with the dogs? when do we go? I guess it doesn't help that business has been slow for me which gives me way too much time to think and worry. I wish I could find a deserted island sometimes...preferably not in the Carribean though. Poor poor people there getting pounded with rain and wind in their little mud huts. I just need to focus on someone other than myself.
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14 years ago
I know where you can go! But not with your horses! :)
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