and when I'm bored, I do too much thinking, complaining, worrying and EATING! Keep me away from the pita chips please!!! So what do you do when you're bored? does the guilt trip creep in saying "why aren't you doing the dishes? there are piles of laundry everywhere, what about them?" or do you through caution to the wind, laying around eating bon bons and watching soap operas?
So thought for the day...I was listening to the radio this morning and Max Lucado, Christain author, came on with his brief radio spot. He told the story of his trying out for high school football and making the team. He was the go to guy for the coach when he wanted to change plays. Now Max thought, "Wow- how cool would it be if I just told them a play that I wanted to do or just no play at all. Whatever I want to do", but he knew that he didn't see the whole picture (or game plan) as the coach did, he did not have as much experience or knowledge as the coach and he would probably be kicked off the team. Our life is like this scenario. We want to run our own plans and ideas, but we can't see the whole picture of things like God can. He doesn't allow us to run things our way because He knows what is best for us now and in the long run. It's so easy to get SO wrapped up into our own little lives and all the crap that is going on, that it is always hard to see outside of that. I love traveling for this reason. You get to see other people's lives and outside of your own "small world." We may not understand all hard stuff we have to go through or the day-to-day activities, but He does and He knows how and why they all fit together and work towards His good. Isn't that comforting?
So off my soap box now....lots of random thoughts today. If you could change anything in your life, what would it be? My first thought towards this is "Money. I want enough to live comfortably." But all the money in the world won't buy happiness so they say and if you ever watch those E! Hollywood Stories about "unlucky" lottery winners, that may be true. Most of them lost all the money to various reasons and ended up divorced and/or lonely with multiple family problems. I don't envy people with tons of money, I just would like to have the freedom that it allows. God has taken care of all our needs up to the point, so why is it so hard to give him over all the financial control so I don't fret or worry about things? Ugh- so frustrating to be so weak and prideful. I was reading in Exodus the other day and those horrible Hebrew people who saw first hand miracle after miracle yet were so quickly to whine, complain and turn from God to their idols. Yet, WE DO THE SAME THING! We may not have seen huge wonders like the Red Sea parting and then swallowing the Egyptian army, but everyone of us have had "small miracle" happen in our lives that we saw or were unseen. So, why are we so quick to turn from him? Frustrating to say the least...
Birthday Party
14 years ago
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