Sunday, June 8, 2008

Planning a vacation...NOT

Our Branch family trip to Las Vegas, 2004

We realized the other day how very badly we need a "real" vacation. We make a ton of little trips to Panama City to see family and those are great, but we spend so much time in the car. Our last "real" vacation was in 2006. For Steven's thirtieth birthday, I gave him a trip to Miami to see a Miami Dolphin game live. He booked a hotel on South Beach so I could be relaxed and enjoy the beautiful water and white sandy beaches. There was also a great boardwalk that you could stroll for miles watching all the skinny, tan people run and sweat like crazy! Ryan and Tammy, Steven's friends from Tampa, called us up the other day and suggested we do another couple's cruise. The hard part is coordinating everyone with date, price, cruise line and ports. We had an AWESOME time when we went with Ryan and Tammy on the last couple's cruise we did where we had planned on having 10 + couples, but it only ended up being the four of us. So we made a pact that the four of us would have first pick and choice on the next cruise...HOORAH! We also planning to do a cruise together at least every two years. Well...three years later and the idea is just being tossed around again. I guess I need to call my superhero travel agent, Cathy to the rescue!!!!