So every year for graduation Savannah School of Art and Design (SCAD) put on a big ole' shindig free for everyone in Forsyth Park. How cool! It makes since on why the tuition is $26,000 a year. :-) This year the artists were The Veronicas (who sing the song for the Yaz commercial), Kate Vogel (who had a song on One Tree Hill) and Natasha Bedingfield whose songs are "Pocket full of Sunshine", "These words","Unwritten" and "Love like this". She's pretty cool and has a great smoky jazzy voice.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Concert in Forsyth Park May 2008
Memorial Day trip in PC
The old ladies of the Flip Flop Flappers :-)
Additions: Jenna, Becca's little sister, Becca holding Avery, and the dark little petite girl we're messing with is Anna, John's girlfriend
Jenna, Avery and Becca getting ready for the pool
My little man, Jimmy walking down the hairway
He's all grown up now!
The boys in the pool- my dad, Steven, Allan, little Jimmy and John
Naked baby in the pool!!! :-)
Playing Apples to Apples with everyone. Fun times!
Jimmy playing in his playroom so very nice
Allan working in his office with his business partner's picture is looking over his shoulder
John, my little brother and his girlfriend Anna playing with Jimmy. He loves cell phones!
We had such a good time at Allan and Anna's house. Time always goes so very quickly while we're there and then we have the long haul back to Savannah. We had a nice boat ride to the beach where we swam and Allan and Steven drew sand art in the sand dunes. All my friends are so gracious and sweet with Becca and Monty driving all the way down from Dothan, AL and Mandy and Mike coming from Fountain, FL. Thanks guys! Y'all are the best~ We have so much doing not much at all and it's always yummy at the Branch house. :-) Love y'all...
Monday, June 9, 2008
More pictures of my wonderful the following post
Lil' Miss Alabama Cheerleader
Roll Tide...j/k Anna. Please don't kill me!
WAR EAGLE....GO AUBURN TIGERS!!!!!Some of the Flip Flop Flapper Gang- from left to right, Becca (my best friend since we were born), Lauren (my sister in the blue scrub top because she was on call), Anna (the middle master minder of all that is evil...j/k), Me (up top grinning like a hyena), and Mandy (in the pink top, my best friend from homeschooling times and working at the car wash together)
Boo, Pittsburgh Steelers! We need to get you a Miami Dolphin shirt to match your son's. :-)
If there was an award...
for the best sister-in-law in the world, my sister-in-law Anna Branch would win the gold metal with perfect 10's. :-) She has been there any and every second of the day to help me with questions concerning the fun OBGYN visits and all that's involved with the baby process. She birthed and is wonderfully raising my adorable nephew while taking care of my brother's needs. She graciously moved to Panama City away from her family, friends and network into the crazy insanity of daily living with the Branch family. Anna is great to hang out with and have drinks or go and get pedicures and shop at Dilliard's. I know that I am a very blessed person. I have parents that are selfless and kind, two brothers and two sisters all unique and special in so many ways, and tons of extended family and friends that are always supportive and wonderful. I married into a terrific family as well who love me like their own blood and would do anything for Steven and myself. I love my father and mother-in-law so much that I lived with them twice and call them "Mom and Dad." God sent a wonderful angel though when he sent my sister-in-law. There is no one like her and I thank God for sending her every day!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Planning a vacation...NOT
Our Branch family trip to Las Vegas, 2004
We realized the other day how very badly we need a "real" vacation. We make a ton of little trips to Panama City to see family and those are great, but we spend so much time in the car. Our last "real" vacation was in 2006. For Steven's thirtieth birthday, I gave him a trip to Miami to see a Miami Dolphin game live. He booked a hotel on South Beach so I could be relaxed and enjoy the beautiful water and white sandy beaches. There was also a great boardwalk that you could stroll for miles watching all the skinny, tan people run and sweat like crazy! Ryan and Tammy, Steven's friends from Tampa, called us up the other day and suggested we do another couple's cruise. The hard part is coordinating everyone with date, price, cruise line and ports. We had an AWESOME time when we went with Ryan and Tammy on the last couple's cruise we did where we had planned on having 10 + couples, but it only ended up being the four of us. So we made a pact that the four of us would have first pick and choice on the next cruise...HOORAH! We also planning to do a cruise together at least every two years. Well...three years later and the idea is just being tossed around again. I guess I need to call my superhero travel agent, Cathy to the rescue!!!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
A few things you may now know...
My sister-in-law did this cute thing on her blog of twenty things that we didn't know about her, so I'm going to do the same. (Maybe not all twenty, but a few things :-)
1. I have vitaligo, no pigment in the skin or white splotches, on my feet, knees, hands and a few splots else where. I've had it since birth or at least since I can remember. You can see it really well when I get a little sun on me.
2. I played the French horn in a little orchestra group at a private Christian school when I was a teenager. I didn't do very well, but I love the sound of it.
3. I dressed up as a Civil War reinactor specifically a nurse and participated in a few battlefields and educational venues.
4. My first "official" job was kitchen help for my uncle's steakhouse restaurant, Rough Riders. I was only fifteen so I would walk there from home (only a few blocks away) and then I would have to call my mom to pick me up at 11:00pm or later.
5. My first real boyfriend was Jerry Odle. I was seventeen and we both worked at my dad's car wash. I actually asked him out only after I found out that he liked me, but was to intimidated to ask me out. We dated for almost two years and I truly thought he was the one. My dad found out that we were serious and he "broke us up" per se. I went off to school the next year after much heartbreak, but there is definitely no regret at all!
6. I never wanted to have kids growing up only because I was around them so much them. Being the oldest of five wasn't much fun for me, but it made me who I am and I wouldn't trade any of them for anything EVER.
7. As a kid and teenager, I could sleep 12-14 hours straight no matter what was going on. My mom use to check on me to make sure I was still breathing. :-) Not anymore.
8. Steven says I snore when I'm asleep especially when I'm really exhausted. It keeps him up though. A nice gentle rhythmic snoring will put me right to sleep thanks to the lovely sounds of the Branch family.
9. I can take a very quick shower, Army style. (Family of 7 again)
10. I would eat almost anything if it was chocolate.
11. I absolutely hate with every cell of my body doing the dishes. I would rather clean toilets with a toothbrush.
12. I love baseball especially the Atlanta Braves. Steven and I love the go and watch the Jacksonville Suns Minor League team for the Los Angelos Dodgers and the Savannah Sand Gnats Minor League team for the Mets.
13. I take five million pictures. This started when I joined Phi Mu fraternity in college. CHEESE~
14. I can sing random songs from almost any musical made. My favs are Oklahoma, Seven brides for Seven brothers, My Fair Lady, Pillow Talk, and South Pacific.
15. I speed very badly (thanks to you Dad), but especially when Steven falls asleep. :-) Somehow he's always amazed when he wakes up to his surroundings.
16. I am starting to really love buying jewelry and purses because they are easy to fit into and buy and still make you feel good. :-)
17. I've always wanted to have red hair. I love it! Straight hair would be nice too, but red is better.
18. I am horrible with electronics. I just end up handing it to Steven to fix and half way listening to his explanation of how to fix it. He's good at it!
19. I love gardening until it gets hot, but I hate weeds! My roses are doing great this year and they are loving this Georgia clay. Steven and I have planted some azaleas and a few small trees. The funniest was trying to haul all of this home in our little compact car. Good thing Lowe's is only a mile away from our house!
20. When we retire, we want to drive around the US in a RV and have a condo on Panama City Beach. Oh, why can't we retire right now....
I made it to twenty. Steven was trying to help me out some, but he's a little crazy! I just keep on typing as he keeps on talking. Life at the Durrence house is always...something. :-)
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Ok....I'm back!
I had so many people say that they actually read my blog and missed it that I decided to bring it back! Yes, I still don't have much of a life, but we'll just see. I've been learning a lot lately about patience especially when we start to plan our lives and leave God out of the equation. I've always been the kind of girl to just "go with things" and see where God takes me. I was definately not the kid that dreamed about being a future astronaut or lawyer. According to my mother, I wanted to be the makeup girl at the cosmetic counter at Gayfers (old department store). My dad thought I should be in the medical field because it was a stable job (long story short). I don't know what I would have majored it had it been truly my choice, but I was always really good at writing (English classes), literature, psychology, and religion. Who knows...
These are kind of random thoughts, but it's late on this Sunday evening and my blonde brain is on shut down mode. Steven has been crazy calls at all hours this week for work and I have been so busy at work. I'll write more this week. Hope y'all enjoy these great photos I took last year at Panama City Beach while staying at a great condo for our Flip Flop Flapper girl's weekends. Man, I miss those. More on PC later on. Love y'all~