Thursday, February 26, 2009

Check it out!!!

My brother Allan just posted some great pictures of my adorable nephew and breathtakingly beautiful new niece Sarah. What can I say...I'm just a proud proud Auntie! :-)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sarah Wilkinson's Bridal Shower

Sarah Goodman, Lyndsey and Jonathan's daughter who will be two in a few months

Lyndsey was so sweet to host a bridal shower for Sarah a few weeks ago. Sarah Wilkinson is Jonathan's half sister's, half sister, but she is an intricate part of our "extended" family and has been apart of it a way lot longer than I have. She got married today (2.21.09) at 2 pm in Allenville, but Steven was on call and I worked so we weren't able to go. We know only a little about her groom, Jason Wynn, but we look forward to some get togethers soon because they will be living only a few minutes away from us. We wish them nothing but the very best in their new life together. :)
We haven't had a wedding a long time as most of our friends got married about the time that we did, but it got me thinking about our wedding. We've been married now 6 1/2 years and it seems like a lifetime ago full of changes and learning. I was almost 24 years old, yet looking back, I was so naive and unaware of just life in general. Marriage takes a lot of hard work, dedication, time, energy, love and selflessness. There are so many things I would have done differently with the wedding too, but many things that turned out awesome. Who would have thought that a last minute addition of a coffee bar would have been such a hit? Thanks Mom. Steven is my best friend and I know we are meant to be together forever, but I am definitely the yin to his yang. :-) If you had to give advice to a friend about marriage, what would it be? If you didn't like the person, he or she was going to marry would you tell them? If you could do your wedding all over again, what if anything would you change? Thanks y'all~

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sarah Lucille Branch

Born February 12th, 2009 via C-section 8 lbs, 4 ozs 19.5 inches long
I was the only one that wasn't there, but many thoughts and prayers were going out to the whole Branch family, Allan, Anna and little Jimmy. We love y'all so much and are so very very happy to welcome this new little blessing into our family. Check out photos at

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope that your honey spoils you rotten not only this weekend, but through out the year~ LOVE LOVE LOVE to each and every one of you

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I'm getting a niece tomorrow and I'm so happy, so very happy. I just wish I could be there, but they will be in my thoughts and prayers. Sarah Lou will be brought into the world at 10 am via c-section. Pray that everything goes smoothly for Anna, my sister-in-law and my brother Allan. They will have a ton of family support and thoughts and prayers. I will post pictures soon guys I promise. :-) Love to all~