Friday, November 7, 2008

Welcome to the world, Andrew and Chase Goodman!!!!

Chase is just chillin'...hey it's been a rough day for him and now he's got plenty of room to move around.
Chase Goodman- 6lbs 4 ozs

Andrew Goodman 5 lbs 12ozs

For all of you who have not heard the story, Lyndsey, Steven's cousin's wife, got to the hospital in labor this morning at 1:30 am. Dialated 4 cms and contractions 2-3 mins apart, she was in a ton of pain. At @ 8:30, after an epidural, she was 10 cms and ready to push. They had her in the OR just in case she needed a C-section. She pushed one time before Jonathan was in the room and they rushed him in because with the second push, Andrew "flew" into the doctor's arms. Not five minutes later with push number three, Chase's head popped out and they gently pulled him out. :-) Now that's what I call AMAZING! Both boys are doing great. We went and say them in the NICU and they are only there because they were born a day before their 35 week gestation. As you can tell by the weight though, I can't imagine Lyndsey going much farther with them both. Andrew was having some rapid respiration and wasn't eating as well as Chase so he has a little feeding tube down his nose. Lyndsey had gotten a shower and was chilling in bed in a tee-shirt and pants when we saw her. They are both doing good just tired. I'm trying to think of anything else they told us. I hope I got the story close to correct. :-) Thank you Lord that everyone is healthy and happy!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Not much...

Sorry that I haven't written lately, guys, but there hasn't been much going on at the Durrence house. This month is always fun for us though because we have our anniversary on the 12th, my birthday on the 26th and Dad Durrence's birthday on the 30th. There's just something wonderful about fall and the wonderful fall weather. The dogs love playing outside and I enjoy re-potting plants, cleaning the garage and raking up pine straw. :-) I'm adjusting to the fact that I am now 30 years old which is still quite unbelievable to me. Where did the time go? I remember begging time to go faster when I was turning 16 so I could drive. I also couldn't WAIT to leave PC however I could and as fast as I could. Funny how things and times change...
We are both looking to forward to Thanksgiving as this will be our first "real" vacation this year besides the trips to PC. Steven hasn't been up to my aunt's unbelievable lake house in South Carolina and I can't wait to show him everything. :-) Lounge around like lazy lizards in the hot tub, eating all day long, taking beautiful mountain hikes through the woods and eating ALL the time! :-) No one can cook like my momma.
Well, Steven's sick today so I'm having to play nurse. I have a Facebook page that I check out at least once a day so if you're needing more info into my life check it out. (Alicia Branch Durrence) Love y'all and stay cool!